Damn, these wimmin keep on making me feel good’n amazed. There’s probably four hit songs on here new album. I was all prepared not to like it, had strains of Alan Jackson’s “Gone Country” floatin’ in the head when I read that’s what she was gonna do. Should’a realized right off that if any Pop star could do the big cross-over, she’d be in the pole position. Drinking is the very mostest Country-Country song amidst a good bunch of ’em Anybody that’s ever turned up a beer has thought this exact thing at one time or another. Gotta work tomorrow, I know it. But screw it, we oughta be drinking. Be aware, she uses the descriptive “shit-faced” one time toward the end there. Considering what’s going on in the Pop world it’s mild. And, it perfectly fits the narrative. The other three I like the most are: Calling Me Lonely, Homesick , and Homecoming Queen.