Commercial Positioning in the Spot Breaks

It is an eight minute drive from my house to the gym. I’m on the way back to the house just before 7am on a weekday. KVET is in a spot break as I start the engine, it is still in the spot break when I pull into my garage. Now that’s just stupid on so many levels; too many to get into here and any argument I make is like spitting into a hurricane anyway. All the corporate-owned biggies do it. But I will take on one factor here that a local PD might be able to control.

Stupid/Ignorant Scheduling: The spot break opened with four, maybe five of those crappy barter ads in a row. One tells me how I can get rich quick flipping houses. Another is pushing a pill you can take a night when you’re hungry and instead of raiding the fridge; you swallow this pill and lose weight while you sleep. One guy slept off eight full pounds. And after this drivel, THEN comes the local advertisers. The Austin auto dealer and the Austin plumber’s spots are at the END of the friggin’ spot block. The guys who are paying the highest rate are put at the back of the bus. The local advertisers radio’s most important clients. Why treat them that way?! Local spots should be FIRST in the cluster. Isn’t that obvious to any monkey?

Is nobody at corporate radio thinking about programming anymore? This is an iHeart station, of course.