Year: <span>2016</span>

At any time, each listener has seven favorite new songs. Everything else in the library is just part of the landscape. Seven that s/he can name if asked the question:…

Music Radio Programming

Music Radio Programming

Music Radio Programming

Disc jockeys have the mistaken impression that they are only in the entertainment business. They are also in the Information business. They move ideas from one place to another. Commercials…


Music Radio Programming

Here’s an interesting article from the local paper in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Arbitron was out of the market for about a dozen years, no subscribers there. Now ARB has…

Music Radio

This is the best thought-starter, the most useful think-piece about radio that I’ve seen in many years. If you are a radio pro, or want to be one, you should…


As we moved into the 80s, we got some really smooth sounds on the radio. Grooves from Michael and the influence. Disco but not exactly. I’ve been listening to the…


I got a question from the other side of the world; a club DJ who is now charged with being the program director of a music station in a developing…

Music Radio Programming

Some company named NuVooDoo Media did a survey about radio contesting. With an in-tab of 3500, it’s a sizable sample and should have good reliability. The take-way was over a…
