
Advertising copywriters, Please. The ten syllables in your ad copy are no longer relevant. “da bul you, da bul you, da bul you dot” …is pointless now. we don’t have…

Music Radio

Found in my archives, a short memo I posted in the control room in the summer of ’80.: Folks, A recent RadioIndex survey7 show the DJ is ver important to…

Music Radio

The Moyes Research company has produced the best promote-radio spot I’ve ever heard. This is brilliant copywriting and perfect presentation. Hear it here.:


At any time, each listener has seven favorite new songs. Everything else in the library is just part of the landscape. Seven that s/he can name if asked the question:…

Music Radio Programming

Music Radio Programming

Music Radio Programming

Disc jockeys have the mistaken impression that they are only in the entertainment business. They are also in the Information business. They move ideas from one place to another. Commercials…


Music Radio Programming

Here’s an interesting article from the local paper in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Arbitron was out of the market for about a dozen years, no subscribers there. Now ARB has…

Music Radio

This is the best thought-starter, the most useful think-piece about radio that I’ve seen in many years. If you are a radio pro, or want to be one, you should…
